Post 16 Options and Destinations

As an 11-16 school is important that all students are supported in making choices for their post 16 education, employment or training. Post 16 pathways are discussed with all students and impartial advice is provided to ensure that each student makes the most appropriate choice. 

A-Levels: An academic qualification, similar in style to GCSEs, that prepares you for further study (Level 3) 

Applied qualifications: Qualifications that prepare you for further study by combining academic learning with practical skills to give you a broad view of working in a sector (Level 3) 

Apprenticeships: an official agreement between an employer and an apprentice which sets out the terms agreed between the 2 parties. (Level 2/3 (with possibility to progress through to level 7)) 

T-Levels: A technical study programme, equivalent to 3 A levels, with an industry placement that makes up 20% of the course. T levels are designed to give you the skills that employers need (Level 3) 

Technical / Vocational qualifications: Qualifications which teach you how to do tasks specifically related to the industry and role you want to be in (Level 1+) 

Traineeships: A work focused study programme that prepares you for an apprenticeship or work (Level not applicable) 

Links to local colleges and Universities