Culture of Praise & Celebration: 

As a school we believe that Quality First Teaching creates a positive atmosphere where children feel valued and successful and effort is celebrated. Praise should be personal, specific, credible and differentiated, fair and consistent. We consider it is important not just to praise and reward good work and behaviour but also to recognise positive contributions to school life. The following praise and reward mechanisms are used: 

Achievement Points

Staff award students in lessons and around school for their positive contributions and meeting our high expectations. These can be monitored through the satchel one platform and are shared with students and parents / carers. Points are continually monitored by from tutors, heads of year and pastoral leads, the accumulation of points can lead to the following outcomes: 

Phone calls home

Each week all staff will complete 2 praise phone calls home. Pastoral Leads will monitor calls being made through satchel one.

Postcards of praise

Each week all staff will write 2 positive postcards to students. Postcards will be collated at the end of the week and a text message sent to inform parents and instigate a positive conversation at home. The pastoral leads and deliver the postcards to the students at the end of the week instigating an additional positive conversation. 

Attendance awards

All students who achieve 100% attendance within a half term will be publicly praised and celebrated through the end of term celebration assembly and school newsletter. Students will receive a certificate in the assembly, and those who go on to achieve 100% attendance at the end of each academic year will be awarded with a pin badge. Each half term an attendance cup will be awarded to the form group in each year group with the highest attendance. 

Praise / celebration assembly

At the end of each half term each year group will have a celebration assembly, the assembly will reflect achievements across all areas including: 
•    Attendance 
•    Attitude to learning 
•    Extra-curricular commitment 
•    Subject star awards 
•    Pastoral recognition  

Award Trips

At the end of each term each year head will facilitate a reward trip for students who meet our key criteria.

Subject Stars  

Each half term each subject will nominate a subject star. All nominated students will be invited to a headteacher’s breakfast at the end of each half term. Teachers will select a student who has demonstrated over the half term one or more of the below attributes: 
•    Improved attitude to learning 
•    Consistently good attitude to learning 
•    Contribution to extra-curricular 
•    Commitment to home learning

Written comments in books

Staff will create a praise climate in their classroom and will recognise a student’s effort, progress and learning. ‘What Went Well’ comments by teachers will highlight where and how a student has made good effort and progress so they are able to recognise their personal strengths and apply to future learning. 

Verbal recognition

Staff will use public praise for students who are displaying good and outstanding attitude to learning in the classroom. Articulation and public recognition is to be used a driver for improved behaviour for learning 

The Oaks is committed to celebrating all positive outcomes and good efforts and resilience. We ensure that we celebrate and reward: 
Daily – Verbal praise, positive lesson score, achievement points, postcards, call home. 
Weekly –Praise postcards, phone calls home. 
Half-termly – Rewards breakfast, Celebration Assembly, Attendance Awards, Subject stars 
Termly – Trips, Celebration Awards.